Monday, October 16, 2017

The 12 Best Spices for the Most Common Health Problems

Herbs and spices aren’t just something you sprinkle in the pan when preparing dinner. They offer a vast spectrum of healthful benefits of which science is beginning to discover. The cuisine of every culture uses these aromatic plants for the taste they afford but more than that, many have been used since ancient times for their specific therapeutic values.

By exploring phytochemicals at the molecular level, researchers have come to understand how they work the way they do. We don’t have to know those kinds of details to benefit from their workings. The list of spices below is a great place to start to get to know how they work.

Why Use Spices?

It’s interesting to note that many pharmaceuticals are devised to mimic the mechanisms of plants. The difference, of course, is that the human body recognizes plants as food and uses them accordingly. Drugs are foreign to our cells and although they may mask symptoms, they don’t actually help our bodies to heal.

Herbs and spices, on the other hand, can help us with weight loss, sleep, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, digestion, pain, and virtually every other malady.

We’ve put together some spices and herbs that can help with common health concerns. You’ve probably heard of all of them and may very well already have them in your cupboard or garden. If not, it’s worth adding this list of spices to your pantry.

List of Spices for Health

The spices below taste great and they work in a tangible, observable way!

1. Metabolism Booster

Mustard seed – One tiny seed can produce this beautiful leafy plant and it’s full of nutrition. In addition, spicy foods like mustard, chili peppers, and horseradish have a thermogenic effect when you eat them: they increase your metabolism and raise your body temperature. A 1986 study showed that mustard significantly increased the resting metabolism rate, with implications for weight loss. (1, 2) So for a zip in your mouth and in your step, add some mustard seeds or powder to whatever you’re eating.

2. Digestive Troubles

So much of our health is dependent upon our digestive system. How we break down food and use its nutrients affects everything.

Coriander – expedites the digestive process and soothes indigestion (dyspepsia), abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and flatulence. It’s also a diuretic and regulates blood pressure. (3, 4) The entire plant is edible; you can use the seeds and/or leaves in cooking or steep the leaves for a digestive tea.

To make a tea:

  1. Boil coriander leaves for a minimum of five minutes.
  2. Add honey to taste, if desired, and strain before drinking.

Fennel – stimulates digestion to properly metabolize food. Indians eats fennel seeds after a meal for this reason. The entire fennel plant is edible and adds a licorice flavor to foods. Fennel is an antispasmodic (among other things) that eases infant colic, heartburn, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome. (5, 6) It also eases symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. (7)

Ginger – it’s hard to say enough about ginger. This rhizome herb is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, stimulating digestive enzymes and bile to effectively process food through the stomach and liver. You can cook it in food, drink as tea, or mix up in your next smoothie.

The post The 12 Best Spices for the Most Common Health Problems appeared first on Daily Health Post.

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