Monday, October 2, 2017

How To Quickly Remove Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain

uric acid crystals The formation of uric acid crystals in your joints is a perfect example of poor lifestyle choices. Left unattended, it can easily lead to a more painful condition known as gout.

This swelling may be slight and cause stiffness or it can create severe pain and swelling that develops in just a few hours.

The main cause is uric acid overload either due to inefficient waste elimination or excessive creation.

Uric acid is formed during the breakdown of what is known as purines. This chemical is found in many foods and occurs naturally within the body.

When the kidneys are unable to rid the body of uric acid, crystal formations are created and deposited around the joints.

How To Reduce Uric Acid

uric acid crystals

Changes to dietary intake should be a lifestyle change implemented and followed for life. Proper dietary intake generally consists of a variety of fresh colorful fruits and vegetables; lean meat and seafood, and whole, unprocessed, unenriched grains.

  • The reduction of processed sugars such as high fructose corn syrup, food high in saturated fats, and alcohol are healthy practices for everyone.
  • The body should be kept hydrated with a combination of water, natural juices without any added sugar, fruit infused water, and herbal teas sweetened with honey.
  • Stress should be reduced when and wherever possible through means which are easily obtainable. A hike in the mountains, or any form of natural landscape, provides physical activity and a wonderful environment to meditate in.
  • Water, as mentioned, keeps the body hydrated and assists in flushing the body ridding it of toxins including overloads of uric acid.

The post How To Quickly Remove Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain appeared first on Daily Health Post.

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