Friday, October 13, 2017

Elderly Man with Terminal Cancer Walks Out of Hospice After Treatment With Cannabis Oil

03 Elderly Man with Terminal Cancer Walks Out of Hospice After Treatment With Cannabis OilCancer has become epidemic and its incidence is on the rise. The medical establishment will tell you that survival rates have increased with the use of current pharmaceuticals. That’s only partially true and must be very carefully scrutinized for the causes and effects that result from conventional cancer treatments of radiation and chemotherapy.

There is a wealth of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation cause much more harm than good.

Chemotherapy targets any rapidly-producing cells and attacks, not discriminating normal versus abnormal cells. In the process of killing healthy cells, the chemicals disturb every metabolic process—that’s why people get so sick when undergoing this kind of “therapy”.

This causes additional illness and severely suppresses normal immune system function, making one vulnerable to sickness and other disease. The same is true of radiation: cancer cells are the focus but they are (of course) surrounded by healthy ones.

It makes perfect sense that these treatments are therefore not the best strategy for getting to the root of the disease to eradicate it.

The root of any problem should be the target for remedy. In order to get there, you have to determine the cause and change it. Chemotherapy and radiation don’t do that. Only your body knows which cells are healthy and which are not—it’s how we are built: cells reproduce exact replicas so normal function and life itself can continue. Decaying or abnormal cells are destroyed by the immune system every second of every day.

Common sense again: support the immune system and you prevent and alleviate disease. Take in substances that your body understands and can use to do so.

Here’s the story of one man who learned all this the hard way.

Stan Rutner was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and underwent conventional therapy. The cancer went into remission in 1989 and he felt he had dodged a bullet. Then in 2011, he developed a chronic cough. He went to his doctor who diagnosed pneumonia and prescribed conventional treatment. Once the pneumonia had subsided, the doctor ran several tests on Stan’s lungs and found Stage 4 lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain—Stan also had an inoperable brain tumor.

At the time, Stan was in his late 70s; he underwent the standard chemotherapy and radiation, which caused his health to deteriorate rapidly and severely. He lost a huge amount of weight (not a heavy man to begin with), was chronically exhausted, and experienced constant nausea—all by-products of conventional cancer therapy.

Four months after treatments began, Stan was admitted to the hospital with radiation pneumonitis—radiation-induced lung disease. According to

“Radiation-induced lung disease (RILD) is a frequent complication of radiotherapy to the chest for chest wall or intrathoracic malignancies and can have a variety of appearances, especially depending on when the patient is imaged.” (1)

“Imaged” sounds like they took a photograph. Hardly. An example of how the treatment doesn’t fix the problem and causes another.

Death Sentence

Stan was given an oxygen tank to wheel around and needed to use it continually. Three weeks later, he went into palliative care and given four weeks to live, at most.

Stan had tried alternative therapies like Reiki and acupuncture during his illness but they didn’t prove effective for him. He was preparing to die. Stan’s family couldn’t bear to see him in such pain, so very thin and sick. His daughter and her fiancĂ© researched the use of cannabis to treat cancer and suggested Stan try cannabis oil, if only to relieve his nausea. Stan’s perspective was that he had nothing to lose, so he tried it.

His Recovery Using Cannabis Oil

After one week of taking cannabis capsules, Stan didn’t need the oxygen anymore and put it in the closet, never to be used again. Within two weeks, the nausea had eased, his appetite improved and he gained some weight, his strength significantly improving because of it. Stan left hospice on his own power and continued taking cannabis oil capsules every day. He began taking exercise classes. Five months after being given a few weeks to live, Stan went to the doctor for tests. His wife Barb reports:

“On January 27, 2013 we received the results of Stan’s brain MRI in an email from his oncologist, stating simply: ‘IMPRESSION: No evidence of recurrent disease.’ The lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain in the summer of 2011 (and nearly taken his life) was GONE! The doctor calls him a miracle man. We are deeply grateful to his ‘team’ of doctors, friends and family, but we’ll always believe that cannabis turned the tide.” (2)

Stan’s brain tumor was gone, too.

This isn’t a fluke.

Many scientific studies have proven that cannabinoids cure cancer, like this one from 2015—yet most research has been suppressed or demonized:

“CBD [cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive component of cannabis] has been shown to inhibit the progression of many types of cancer including glioblastoma (GBM), breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer. This review will center on mechanisms by which CBD, and other plant-derived cannabinoids inefficient at activating cannabinoid receptors, inhibit tumor cell viability, invasion, metastasis, angiogenesis, and the stem-like potential of cancer cells. We will also discuss the ability of non-psychoactive cannabinoids to induce autophagy and apoptotic-mediated cancer cell death.” (3)

Here is Stan’s story in his and Barb’s words:

When the treatment will kill you faster and more painfully than the disease, it’s wise to pursue better treatment.

The post Elderly Man with Terminal Cancer Walks Out of Hospice After Treatment With Cannabis Oil appeared first on Daily Health Post.

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