Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Annihilates Cancer

over-100-scientific-studies-agree-cannabis-annihilates-cancerThe healing properties of cannabis are nothing new.

In ancient India, cannabis was used to treat ailments such as insomnia and pain. The Greeks used it to cure ailments such as nosebleeds and tapeworms. In Medieval Islam, history shows cannabis used as a diuretic, antiemetic, and antiepileptic (1).

Even in the West, cannabis was the primary pain reliever prescribed by doctors until Aspirin took its place in 1897. Up until the “war on drugs” began around 1937, there were at least 2000 different cannabis-based medicines on the market (2).

Today, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) still labels cannabis a Schedule I drug in many states because “it has a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and/or physical dependence.” (3). With the advent of the medical marijuana movement in the US, however, more studies are being funded to determine the actual healing potential of this herb.

Cannabis and Cancer

Despite the onslaught of negative warnings about cannabis, most of which are likely linked to or generated by drug companies that stand to lose billions on dangerous cancer drugs should cannabis be recognized as an effective natural alternative, there are countless cannabis cancer studies proving the herb’s powerful anti-cancer properties.

The National Cancer Institute, mandated by US law to educate Americans about cancer and the latest research efforts, even shows that cannabis does, in fact, kill cancer cells (4).

The organization admits that the cannabinoids in cannabis inhibits tumor growth by causing cells to die, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of the blood vessels tumors rely on for growth. It also reveals that cannabis is effective for dealing with a variety of cancer-related symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, anxiety, pain and sleep disturbances.

One 2013 study shows cannabidiol (CBD) has very powerful anti-cancer agents, which is important because researchers also determined that some cancerous cells are actually more sensitive to CBD-induced apoptosis (cell death) (5).

There are also numerous studies on the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis, which reveal it is responsible for a multitude of healing properties, including powerful anti-cancer properties. One study specifically shows THC is effective for brain cancer, a particularly aggressive and typically terminal form of cancer (6).

The number and types of cancers cannabis is shown to treat is truly astounding, especially when you consider the ongoing fight proponents for the herb face daily simply to have it recognized as a therapeutic agent.

Cannabis Cancer Studies

Cannabis’ medical properties really shouldn’t be ignored.

The post Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Annihilates Cancer appeared first on Daily Health Post.

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