Thursday, September 28, 2017

New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat


The reason most diets fail is because they either don’t work or they are simply too difficult to follow. In fact, incredibly, according to UCLA researchers, “one-third to two-thirds of people on diets regain more weight than they lost within four or five years, and the true number may well be significantly higher” (1)!

This syndrome, known as “yo-yo” dieting, causes your weight to go up and down with every diet, which can not only be heart breaking if you are truly trying your best to shed the weight, but it can also be down-right dangerous (2). What’s worse, when you do lose some weight on one of these diets, it is typically both muscle and fat, but when you regain the weight, it is just plain old fat. This poses a real problem because muscle essentially burns seven times as many calories as fat.

And usually, after rebounding, your metabolism is slower than before you started to diet, so it takes even fewer calories to maintain your new weight. This means that if you revert back to your original eating habits, you will automatically put on more weight than you took off!

The good news is that you can change this.

One study shows that yo-yo dieting doesn’t have to control your weight—you can fix your metabolism and eventually lose the weight, but it takes commitment and it can be hard.The bad  news is that this same study clearly shows that overweight people, who continually diet, are much heavier than overweight people who do not (3). So, if you don’t find a better solution to lose the weight—one that targets underlying issues—you are destined to repeatedly pack on the pounds.

FREE Download: New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat

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Luckily, we have an effective weight loss program that goes to the core of most weight issues. It not only helps you melt away the fat, but it will detoxify your body and reduce inflammation, a key issue in obesity.

The Power of Lemons

The first thing you should know about lemons is that they are actually very alkalizing in your body, despite their acidic taste. This is important because virtually every overweight person has an acidic body (4). The two go hand-in-hand.

To maintain each system’s ideal pH level, your body naturally removes (flushes out) as many acids and toxins as it can. It does this through things like urination, defecation, and sweating. But when your body becomes overrun with more toxins and acids than it can remove, it automatically produces fat cells to store this excessive waste.

While fat cells actually perform an important function in this regard, excess fat is also dangerous, especially when you continue to add in more toxins and acids from processed foods, medications, and even environmental and food chemicals. It’s an ongoing and dangerous battle and why most diets simply can’t work.

Apart from lemon’s powerful alkalizing properties , this amazing fruit has a number of other significant health benefits:

The post New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat appeared first on Daily Health Post.

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