Saturday, September 30, 2017

These Are The Most Dangerous & Heavily Promoted Prescription Drugs: Here Are Natural Alternatives

While it’s bad enough that almost half of the entire US population (48.7 percent) has used at least one of the most common prescription drugs in the past 30 days, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 10 percent of the population has used a whopping 5 or more of these drugs in the last month (1)!

And these medications are certainly not cheap. Statistics show that “between 2013 and 2015, the average annual drug spending for patients who stay in community hospitals increased by 23.4 percent, from $5.2 million to $6.5 million. And on a per admission basis, hospital spending on drugs jumped nearly 39 percent, to $990.” (2)

Drugged-up Kids

What’s worse is that the number of children prescribed dangerous drugs is on the rise. Doctors seem to prescribe medication without being concerned with the side-effects.

Worldwide, 17 million children, some as young as five years old, are given a variety of different prescription drugs, including psychiatric drugs that are dangerous enough that regulatory agencies in Europe, Australia, and the US have issued warnings on the side effects that include suicidal thoughts and aggressive behavior.

According to Fight For Kids, an organization that “educates parents worldwide on the facts about today’s widespread practice of labeling children mentally ill and drugging them with heavy, mind-altering, psychiatric drugs,” says over 10 million children in the US are prescribed addictive stimulants, antidepressants and other psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs for alleged educational and behavioral problems (3).

In fact, according to Foundation for a Drug-Free World, every day, 2,500 youth (12 to 17) will abuse a prescription pain reliever for the first time (4). Even more frightening, prescription medications like depressants, opioids and antidepressants cause more overdose deaths (45 percent) than illicit drugs like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and amphetamines (39 percent) combined. Worldwide, prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death.

A Medical Conspiracy

The medical community trains us to believe that prescription medicines are not only necessary but safe. Your doctor will likely tell you that although they have side effects, the benefits of these toxic medications far outweigh any negative repercussions. So, we blindly take them and teach our children that taking prescription medications is simply part of life. And this attitude has definitely trickled down to our kids. A recent survey shows that over half of all teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs. An amazing 60 to 70 percent even say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs (5).

What we are not told, however, is that big pharmaceutical companies are literally making billions of dollars on your back (and every other part of your body for that matter), and they care little about the outrageous side effects and devastating repercussions their drugs have on you or your family. It all comes down to the bottom line for these companies, which are part of what some call an unholy trinity that includes the AMA (American Medical Association) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This trio is often likened to a “Medical Mafia.” (6)

A Big Pharma Plot To Keep You Drugged

While there are definitely some off-the-wall conspiracy theories out there, what big pharmaceutical companies are doing to North Americans is very real. In order to keep their pockets lined and their shareholders happy, big pharma will make sure you continue to need their drugs, which include an endless array of supposedly necessary vaccines.

It becomes an endless circle of sickness with big pharma in the middle. Every medication you are prescribed for an illness comes with a slew of side effects that eventually result in more illnesses, for which your doctor prescribes more medications.

Luckily, many European countries are a little more savvy when it comes to the dangers of prescription medications. In fact, more Europeans opt for natural alternatives than North Americans. And in India, according to an A.C. Nielsen survey, “62 percent of current homeopathy users have never tried conventional medicines and 82 percent of homeopathy users would not switch to conventional treatments.” (7)

The Top 7 Most Common Prescription Drugs

For every prescription medication, there are a number of natural alternatives. Here are just 7 of the most dangerous and heavily promoted common prescription medications your doctor prescribes with the natural alternatives they aren’t likely to tell you about.

1. Ritalin, Cylert, Dexadrine, And Adderal

Prescribed For: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

These drugs are some of the most common over-prescribed drugs for kids and they are also one of the most highly abused and misused medications. According to the CDC, as of 2011, approximately 11 percent of all US children between 4 and 17 were diagnosed with ADHD. The American Psychiatric Association (APA), however, says that only 5 percent of these children actually suffer from the disorder even though today, over 15 percent of all children are diagnosed with the condition (8). And the number is only rising.

Side Effects: While these drugs are supposedly short acting, they do cause some severe side effects like “zombie-like” behavior, and drooling. The FDA has further issued a warning about possible worsening of depression or suicidal thoughts in people who take these antidepressants.

Other side effects include (9):

  • Abdominal pain
  • Alopecia (loss of hair)
  • Angina (chest pain)
  • Appetite loss
  • Anxiety/Nervousness
  • Blood pressure and pulse changes (both up and down)
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Depression
  • Diaphoresis (sweating)
  • Dizziness
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Psychosis and psychiatric disorders
  • Stunted growth

Natural Alternatives:

  • With children aged 5-10 years old, 1 OPC 165 (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) per day (contains Pine bark extract, 75 mg., grape seed extract, 75 mg., and quercetin, 15mg), 500 mg of Essential Fatty Acids. 20 mg of Zinc.
  • For children aged 11-15 years old, 1 OPC 165 2x daily. 1000 mg of Essential Fatty Acids. 40 mg of Zinc.
  • Over 15 years old: 1 OPC 165 2x daily. 1200 mg of Essential Fatty Acids. 50-75 mg of Zinc (10).

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13 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Without Using Chemicals

Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed, but their eggs can be as small as a speck of dust. This, along with their brownish color, makes them hard to spot on wooden furniture and dark sheets.

Since they purely feed on blood and are active at night, bedbugs prefer hiding inside and around beds. These bites turn into little itchy welts sometimes accompanied by dried blood. The welts typically appear on areas of skin exposed while sleeping (1). Although they are annoying and itchy, bedbug bites do not transmit any diseases. But if you get them, you’ll want to know how to get rid of bed bugs for good–and fast!

How to Know you Have Bed Bugs

If you have crisp white sheets, you should be able to see bed bugs while changing your sheets. Adult bedbugs will be easier to spot, but nymphs and eggs can be almost invisible to the naked eye.

According to WedMD, other signs that you have bedbugs include(2):

  • Blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases
  • Dark or rusty spots of bedbug excrement on sheets and mattresses, bed clothes, and walls
  • Bedbug fecal spots, egg shells, or shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide
  • An offensive, musty odor from the bugs’ scent glands

While adult bedbugs can be relatively easy to kill, their eggs are a whole other story (3).

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can live just about anywhere, even in clean homes. When it comes to bed bug infestations, you’re definitely not alone. Learn how to get rid of bed bugs fast with the all-natural solutions below.

1. Check for Bedbugs

If you suspect that you have an infestation, but you aren’t quite sure, all you need is a mirror and a flashlight.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. In the middle of the night, grab your flashlight and quickly sweep light across and under your pillows.
  2. You should see tiny bugs scrambling back into their hiding places.
  3. In the morning, use a mirror to check behind your headboard and under the mattress to see if you can spot any bugs.
  4. If you can’t find any, check cracks, holes, or drawers.

2. Tidy Up

The first step towards getting rid of bed bugs is to pick up any clothes, blankets, books, or clutter from around your bedroom. These are prime hiding spot for bed bugs. Place the items in two layers of large plastic bags. And set them aside for future cleaning.

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This Is A Must Read Before Ever Using Turmeric Again!

Turmeric bioavailability is a key factor that’s almost always ignored when consuming this popular spice for its health benefits.

Turmeric is gaining in popularity and for good reason! The yellow pigment found in turmeric, which is also responsible for the majority of its medicinal properties is called “curcumin.” Study abstracts from the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database shows over 600 potential health benefits of turmeric, and/or its primary polyphenol, curcumin.

While adding turmeric to your diet is a sure way to boost your overall health, there are a few things you need to know as well as as how to improve turmeric bioavailability.

Turmeric’s Key Nutrient Isn’t Easy To Absorb

As mentioned previously, curcumin is the active compound you want to absorb from eating turmeric. However, a big problem with turmeric is that curcumin isn’t easily absorbed (1).

Various animal and clinical studies reveal that the concentrations of curcumin in blood plasma, urine, and peripheral tissues, if detectable at all, are extremely low regardless of dosage size (2). And low absorption rate will not give you the health benefits of this medicinal food.

improve turmeric bioavailability

How To Skyrocket Turmeric Bioavailability

Fortunately, there are 3 simple kitchen strategies that you can use to boost turmeric bioavailability.

1. Always Mix With Black Pepper

turmeric black pepperBlack Pepper is a powerful medicine in its own right and a Potent Turmeric Adjuvant.

“If people are given a bunch of turmeric curcumin, within an hour there’s a little bump in the level in their blood stream. We don’t see a large increase because our liver is actively trying to get rid of it. But what if the process is suppressed by taking just a quarter teaspoon’s worth of black pepper? Then you see curcumin levels skyrocket. The same amount of curcumin consumed, but the bioavailability shoots up 2000%. Even just a little pinch of pepper—1/20th of a teaspoon—can significantly boost levels. And guess what a common ingredient in curry powder is besides turmeric? Black pepper (3).”

SEE ALSO: Eat 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric everyday and these 10 things will happen to your body

One Study entitled: Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers demonstrated that when piperine was co-administered with curcumin and given to human subjects the bioavailibity of curcumin increased 2000% (4).

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How To Instantly Stop A Migraine With Himalayan Salt


Migraines are nothing to laugh about. Just one bad migraine is enough to cripple you for a whole day.

Pain relievers are typically the first drugs recommended by doctors for migraine and headaches.

But what do you when even these meds don’t work? The answer is salt. So if you want to avoid using stronger painkillers, you should give salt a go.

How to Use Salt For Instant Migraine Relief

If you’re going to use salt to relieve migraines, make sure to use the highest quality salt that you can get your hands on, such as Himalayan salt.

This pink salt is considered one of the world’s most complete salt because it contains around 84 different minerals, electrolytes and elements.

Using this salt helps reduce the severity of migraine and headaches, boosts your immune system and most importantly restores your body’s alkaline and electrolyte balance.

Salt Water For Migraines


  • half a lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt


  1. Squeeze the lemon juice into a glass of water.
  2. Add the himalayan salt.
  3. Stir and drink.

It might not taste good but it works like a charm!

Bonus Tip:

Migraines occur when the blood vessels in your head and neck dilate. This is one of the main reasons behind the excruciating pain you experience.

Put an ice pack on your neck while dipping your hands and/or feet in very warm water. Don’t burn yourself, but make the water as hot as you can comfortably handle.

The ice pack on your neck will cause your blood vessels to constrict and the warm water having the opposite effect on your hands and feet will draw blood to them and away from your neck.

The Ultimate Healing System: The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing & Nutrition Paperback January 1, 1998

The post How To Instantly Stop A Migraine With Himalayan Salt appeared first on Daily Health Post.

1-Minute Stretching Routine To Reduce Sciatica And Lower Back Pain

Stretching-Routine-To-Reduce-Sciatica-And-Lower-BackIf you have back pain or sciatic nerve pain, avoid taking drugs which are typically prescribed as a first line treatment.

Try basic exercises first and other alternative treatments like chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga, pilates, and massage.

The video below also illustrates a simple one-minute daily stretching routine that can help reduce sciatic pain stemming from an overly tight piriformis muscle in your buttocks.

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How To Detox Your Armpits In 7 Days To Prevent Breast Cancer

11 How To Detox Your Armpits In 7 Days To Prevent Breast Cancer (1)Currently, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women aged 35–54 years old (1).  American men have a 43% chance of developing cancer in their lifetime. For women, it’s a 37% lifetime chance (2).  So why is it important to detox your armpits?  What is the link between armpits and breast cancer?

There is a lot of work going into diagnosing and curing breast cancer. However, no one’s really talking about what causes it.

Aluminum and Breast Cancer

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It’s constantly absorbing nutrients from its surface.

Unfortunately, your skin is also soaking up cream, makeup and other beauty products.

This seems to be relatively harmless, until you find out what your everyday products are made of.

Here are just a few example of what lurks in store-bought deodorants and antiperspirants:

  • Aluminum – causes breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Propylene glycol – an antifreeze agent
  • Parabens – disrupt hormones
  • Formaldehyde – is well-known carcinogenic substance
  • Phthalates – yet another hormone disruptor
  • Antibacterial substances – negatively affects the immune system and endocrine system

Aluminum salts are a popular ingredient in drugstore deodorants and antiperspirants. Recent studies have evaluated them as potentially carcinogenic. The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry confirms that malignant breast tissue contained high concentrations of aluminum. Alarmingly, it’s also been found in human breast milk.

Aluminum is a strong neurotoxin. In the words of Dr. Chris Shaw, Neuroscientist and Professor at the University of British Columbia, aluminum “causes all kinds of unusual biochemical reactions in the body, including the brain.” (3). It’s also been linked to the onset Alzheimer’s disease and autism.

If you are a long-time user of antiperspirant or deodorant, read below. Detoxifying your armpits can be as easy as changing a few lifestyle habits.

How To Detox Your Armpits

1. Go To a Sauna

Sweat is your body’s way to get rid of toxins and cool down. Increasing the amount of time you sweat in a day will help you body detox. This is also an easy way to boost your immune system.

2. Drink Mineral Water

Drinking water helps the body flush out toxins and stay hydrated.

It’s been proven that drinking high silica content mineral water helps remove aluminum via urine (4). This is can be purchased online or at your local health food store.

3. Change Your Deodorant

Most deodorants and antiperspirants contain not only aluminum, but many other toxic chemicals. Make sure to read the label on your personal care products to avoid these. Beware; even “organic” or “natural” products can contain harmful components.

To be on the safe side, make your own by following with this DIY deodorant recipe.

You can also fight underarm odor thanks to these tips.

DIY Armpit Detox Recipe

To reverse the effects on long-term deodorant use, try this homemade armpit detox. It will also help control the bacteria that causes body odor.


  • 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay
  • 3 drops of rosemary essential oil (optional)
  • 5 drops of cilantro essential oil (optional)


  1. Mix apple cider vinegar and clay in a large bowl.
  2. Add essential oils and mix until smooth. (you can skip this step if you don’t have any essential oils on hand)
  3. To use, spread a thin layer on your armpits and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash off using a damp cloth and repeat daily for a week.


The post How To Detox Your Armpits In 7 Days To Prevent Breast Cancer appeared first on Daily Health Post.

Friday, September 29, 2017

The Diabetes Drug Metformin Linked to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

If you are taking the popular diabetes medication Metformin or know someone who does, please read on. Metformin is a common orally-administered drug used to treat type 2 diabetes.

It goes by other brand and generic names such as:

  • Glucophage
  • Riomet
  • Fortamet
  • Glumetza
  • Obimet
  • Dianben
  • Diabex
  • Diaformin

Approved in 1994, the way Metformin works is by increasing the individual’s sensitivity to her/his own insulin, reducing liver glucose production, and decreasing the amount of sugar absorbed by the intestines. (1)

Side Effects of Metformin

One of the problems with Metformin’s actions is that it causes vitamin B12 deficiency.

This side effect has been known since 2006. By way of the same mechanism that blocks sugar absorption by the intestines, this essential vitamin is also blocked. The extent of the deficiency is dose- and time-dependent: the higher the amount you take and the longer you take Metformin, the greater and more critical the deficiency.

Since 2006, there have been many studies into this Metformin/B12 relationship and all have come to the same conclusion. (2, 3)

In fact, a 2016 study conducted by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NY monitored the B12 levels of people taking a placebo and metformin twice a day for 5 and 13 years. Plus “Those who used to take metformin had lower levels of vitamin B12 in comparison to those who took the placebo.”(4)

In addition to a B12 deficiency, side effects of Metformin include pernicious anemia with long-term use. (5) The anemia is often preceded by neuropathy.

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5 Exercises to Undo the Spinal Damage Caused by a Lifetime of Sitting

Many of us have no choice but to sit at a desk of most of the day. There are options to break up all the sitting, such as frequent breaks and using a standing desk, but even these adjustments aren’t enough to undo the damage of sitting.

We know that a generally sedentary life leads to all sorts of illness as well as pain in the joints, back, and neck. As it turns out, sitting for long periods of time over the course of years is bad for your brain and heart, too. We weren’t meant to sit as much as many of us do—we were meant for movement.

A lot of sitting over time makes us lose muscle strength, tone, and range of motion. It also affects circulation, respiration, and digestion.

Even if you exercise regularly, sitting for long periods significantly shortens your life expectancy.

The Dangers of a Desk Job

Many people with desk jobs suffer from pain due to constricted muscles caused by poor posture and lack of movement. Posture while sitting is just as important as it is while standing. If you experience pain and stiffness, part of the problem may be your chair; if you can get one that’s ergonomic and fits your body, it’ll go a long way to help you to sit properly.

Slouching, crossing legs, and keeping arms too high or too low all affect your sitting position. We learn to sit as infants and most babies will sit correctly with their back straight and shoulders back. However, as we get older, with larger spans of time spent sitting combined with poorly-designed furniture, we often resort to slouching. Watch the video below that illustrates what we’ve forgotten: the proper way to sit.

Watch the video below that illustrates what we’ve forgotten: the proper way to sit.

We’re not doomed to living with pain associated with long-term sitting. Starting today, you can use the five best back exercises below to loosen your muscles, improve posture, and increase your range of movement.

5 Best Back Exercises to Avoid Back Pain from Sitting

Your back will feel better with just a few days of practice.

1. Glute Bridges

This will work your hips, glutes, and abs. Once you’re comfortable with doing it, you can add a barbell across your hips to keep it challenging and further tone and strengthen.

best back exercises



  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Raise your butt and hips so that your body forms a straight line, squeezing your glutes to push you up. Return to the starting position.
  3. Do 3 sets of 10.

2. Couch Stretch

This is an exercise in posture that provides support so you can maintain the proper position. If you’re sitting on the couch anyway, you might as well take a stretch out of it!

best back exercises


  1. Place one foot flat on the floor and the opposite knee on the couch where the seat and back meet so that your shin and foot are up the back of the couch.
  2. Flex your abdominal muscles and glutes and slowly raise your torso up so that you are standing straight and tall.
  3. Hold the position for about 5 minutes and then switch legs.

Once you’ve mastered this, add a bit more to the exercise by placing your foot at the edge of the couch’s seat instead of the floor. Your back and abs will have to work harder to maintain balance and posture, reversing the desk slouch you brought home from work.

3. Grok Squat

This simple but effective stretch does wonders for your lower back. You’ll feel it in your legs and pelvis, too.


best back exercises


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly squat down as low as you can go.
  2. Hold the position for as long as you like, then stand up slowly.

4. Leg Swings

This exercise will extend your range of motion and open up your hips. The more you do it, the greater the range will become. Make sure to control the movement of your leg to maintain proper form.

best back exercises


  1. Place one hand on the back of a chair or something sturdy for support. Swing one leg forward as far as it will go, bring it back down past the stationary foot and continue the swing back as far as it will go.
  2. Repeat 20 times, then switch legs.
  3. Switch legs again. Swing it out to the side as far as it will go. Bring it down and in front of your body to cross to the other side.
  4. Repeat 20 times, then switch legs.
  5. Keep your foot flexed throughout the exercise.

5. Fire Hydrants

These movements open the back, pelvis, and upper leg. You’ll feel it in your hips and buttocks. Keep your back straight and feet flexed back exercises



  1. Start on all fours and raise your bent leg out to the side to the height of your hip. Lift from the hip and maintain a bent knee without turning your torso.
  2. Lower your leg back to the starting position.
  3. Repeat 10-20 times on each side.

If you’re compelled to sit at your job, ensure you walk around every 20-30 minutes, not only for your back but to give your eyes a break too. Keeping in mind the long-term effect of years of sitting, the more you move, the better off you’ll be.

It’s also important to be conscious of your posture; you’ll feel better if you stand, walk, and sit with a straight back, shoulders back, and core tight. Use a footrest, if necessary, to be able to sit properly with your knees at 90° angles and avoid crossing your legs.

If you sit a lot during work time, sit as little as possible when at home. If you watch television, you can exercise/stretch on the floor while you watch. If you spend time reading, prop up your book or tablet and try standing while you read. Whatever your position, change it often. Any move is a good one.

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Toxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Make You Fatigued And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them.

Toxins-Stored-In-Your-Fat-Cells-Make-You-Fatigued-And-SwollenYou’ve probably noticed that excessive weight gain can lead to a plethora of health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

But did you know that your body also stores toxins in your fat? It’s true!

Why Your Body Stores Toxins In Fat Cells

Back in the 1980s the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a program called the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS).

They discovered that all human fat samples contained traces of Four industrial solvents and one dioxin. Nine more chemicals, including three more dioxins and one furan were found in more than 90 percent of the fat samples. And on average, 83 percent of the samples had PCBs. (1,2)

What are dioxins?

Dioxins are a class of chemical contaminants that are formed during combustion processes such as waste incineration, forest fires, and backyard trash burning, as well as during some industrial processes such as paper pulp bleaching and herbicide manufacturing. (source)

In order to prevent these toxins from roaming freely and damaging your organs, your body stores these toxins away in fat cells.

Two Types of Toxins

Toxins, like vitamins, can be divided into two categories:

Water-soluble toxins: which are easily flushed out of the body via the blood and kidneys.

Fat-soluble toxins: which must be converted by the liver to become water soluble (3).

Fat-soluble toxins include pesticides, preservatives, food additives, heavy metals, pollutants, plastics and other environmental chemicals.

Your First Line of Defense – Liver

The liver produces bile, a greenish-yellow fluid that is stored in the gallbladder. It is essential for digesting fats and for eliminating worn-out red blood cells and certain toxins from your body.

During digestion, the gut becomes selectively permeable so that the lymphatic system may pick up absorbed fats and carry them to the liver. Good fats then get turned into cholesterol, cell membranes, hormones, brain cells and skin cells.

Bad fats are processed and marked for elimination through bile, which is absorbed by insoluble fiber and exits the body as fecal matter or commonly known as poop.

This is the reason why eating diet high in dietary fiber is so important.

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Sour Deception: Citric Acid Comes From GMO Black Mold, Not Fruit

If you’re a label reader, you may notice that“citric acid” is an ingredient in many packaged foods. As its name implies, this compound naturally occurs in citrus fruits and is an effective preservative. It’s also a cleaning agent, an emulsifier, and lends a subtle sour flavor to foods.

Isolated by a chemist in the 18th century, citric acid came to be used as a mold inhibitor to prevent food spoilage. Oddly enough, since the early 20th century, the mold-fighting acid has been chemically manufactured from–wait for it- mold!

What Is Citric Acid?

You may be surprised to learn that almost all organic life forms contain citric acid. This antioxidant is used in a variety of metabolization processes in the body. (1)

In an average human, the body produces and metabolizes about 2 pounds of the acid every day. It then eliminates excess citric acid through urine. (2) The acid found in higher concentrations in citrus fruit (lemon and lime especially), hibiscus, cocoa, pineapple, and kiwi fruit.

What is Citrate?

Citrates is a derivative of citric acid. Sometimes, the two names are used interchangeably on food labels.(3)

Citrate levels are higher in fruits than in other produce. But this natural substance has its downfall: routinely high levels of citrate in the body can lead to kidney stones, renal dysfunction, and bone disease (binding to calcium and weakening bone structure). The prostate, however, benefits from citrate, and produces high levels of the substance. (4)

Manufactured citrates, on the other hand, are commonly mixed with other chemicals or minerals to create the following:

  • alverine citrate – a medication used for treating gastrointestinal disorders
  • calcium citrate – used in medications to treat low calcium levels in blood and bones
  • fentanyl citrate – an injectable analgesic (highly addictive)
  • gallium citrate – a radioactive compound for medical diagnostic procedures for cancer
  • magnesium citrate – used in laxatives and as a pre-operative colon cleanser
  • potassium citrate – used in medication to reduce the risk of kidney stones
  • sodium citrate – a preservative, emulsifying agent, and acidity regulator
  • zinc citrate – a dietary supplement and personal care ingredient for odor reduction.

The Modern Citric Acid Formula

When citric acid was fist used a couple hundred years ago, it was derived from lemons. Due to rising costs, the formula has since changed. Today, it’s manufactured from black mold. Yes, black mold—the same stuff that can cause a whole host of illnesses and even death.

Here are the details of the commercial acid formula:

“Black mold is able to efficiently (and cheaply) convert sugars into citric acid. By feeding sucrose or glucose—often derived from corn starch—to the black mold, a citric acid solution is created. Corn is highly likely to be genetically modified (GMO). The resulting solution is filtered out from the mold, and the citric acid is precipitated from the solution and processed into the final, usable form using lime and sulfuric acid.” (5)

Black mold, outside of the body, damages its environment (buildings and their contents). (6) When inhaled or ingested, black mold can cause respiratory irritation, asthma, chronic fatigue, headaches, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding from the nose and lungs. (7)

Some people experience an allergic reaction to it, which isn’t exactly straightforward to diagnose. (8, 9) Unfortunately, the potential exists that some traces of the mold may remain in synthesized citric acid after processing. Hence, citric acid can create allergy-like symptoms in some people.

Also, the ingestion of any genetically modified organism (GMO) is the subject of tremendous controversy. Strictly from a health perspective, until the jury is out there is no evidence for the definitive safety of GMO in our diets or environment. Since the FDA allows it, even “organic” products can be a source of the chemical. How, may you ask? Well, Pfizer, a company with very loose morals and even larger pockets, once produced citric acid (10).

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Stress, Depression And Anxiety Are All Alleviated By Probiotics

stress-depression-and-anxiety-are-all-alleviated-by-probioticsWhile depression was long characterized as “chemical imbalance” in the brain, scientists have since found out that it’s much more complicated than that.

The theory of chemical imbalances helps us understand depression, but it doesn’t explain the underlying cause. Instead, scientists believe that it occurs due to a number of factors, including inflammation and chronic stress.

What’s more, a recent study suggests that depression and other mood disorders may originate in the gut.

Gut Bacteria: The Friendly And The Deadly

As we speak, there are roughly 400 species of bacteria in your belly right now, not to mention the ones that live on your skin (1).

The genes within these bacteria actually outnumber the ones in all the cells in your body: genomes of the bacteria and viruses of the human gut alone are thought to encode 3.3 million genes (2).

In fact, your gut acts as a protective layer to fight off harmful pathogens that have made their way into your digestive tract before they are absorbed into your bloodstream.

Gut bacteria are so important that they’re even in breast milk, and babies who are bottle-fed are more likely to suffer from allergies and immune problems because they’ve missed out on these essential critters.

Bacteria even plays a role in enhancing the effect of enzymes such as lactase, sucrase, maltase, alpha-glucosidase, and alkaline phosphatase, as well as metabolizing cholesterol and triglycerides to keep your blood pressure stable.

Don’t believe it, try this: modern medicine has adopted fecal transplants to reverse IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic infections. Current studies are exploring the other applications for this odd but effective intervention (3).

It’s no wonder that gut bacteria serve as a big part of your immune system and control the delicate balance between illness and health. What’s more, the bacteria in your gut also affect your brain.

The post Stress, Depression And Anxiety Are All Alleviated By Probiotics appeared first on Daily Health Post.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Cancer-Fighting Salad Everyone Should Be Eating Once a Week (With ACV, Avocado And More)

the-cancer-fighting-salad-everyone-should-be-eating-once-a-weekFor some people, eating salad is an experience best left for dieters and vegetarians.

But salads have come a long way from your typical diner mix of iceberg lettuce, cucumber slices, onions, and a sad slice of tomato—topped, of course, with a trans-fat-filled dollop of “house dressing“.

Salads now come in a huge variety of textures and flavors. Anything goes, from beans to seeds, or even warm ingredients.

The best salads, however, are the ones that not only look and taste great but also include a wide variety of functional foods.

With practically everything linked to cancer and other diseases of one sort or another, eating properly is no longer an option—it’s a requirement for staying healthy.

Here’s a great recipe for a powerhouse salad for anyone who’s on the go.

Anti Cancer Salad With Spinach and Avocado

Here are the star ingredients of this recipe and how they work to improve your health!


Despite most children’s natural aversion to this superfood, on average, every American still consumes nearly two pounds of spinach per year (1).

Apart from having essentially next to no calories (7 calories in 1 cup uncooked and 41 calories in 1 cup cooked spinach), this superfood is jam-packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and anti-oxidants. It’s obviously low in fat and cholesterol, but it is also rich in niacin and zinc. And although you may not automatically associate spinach with protein, it has a fair amount, as well as a decent amount of fiber.

In fact, spinach ranks as one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. It is an excellent source of folate and vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as thiamin, vitamin B-6, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese (cooked spinach actually provides higher amounts of vitamin A and iron than raw spinach) (2).

In fact, there are more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents.

One 2008 study published in Lipids, shows the nutrients in spinach counter DNA destruction and inhibit cancer cell and tumor growth (3). Another 2007 study shows the flavonoid kaempferol in spinach (and also some cabbages), lowers the risk of ovarian cancer by as much as 40 percent (4). Other studies show eating spinach lowers the risk of prostate cancer and even reduces the risk of breast cancer by 44 percent (5).

Of special interest is a 2004 study published in Nutrition Journal, which concludes the carotenoids in spinach (and other leafy greens) offer “…at least a 60–70 percent decrease in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers, and even a 40–50 percent decrease in lung cancer, along with similar reductions in cancers at other sites.” (6)

And fighting cancer is not the only benefit this mighty vegetable offers. The same flavonoids in spinach that help prevent cancer are potent antioxidants that slow the effects of aging, especially on your brain. Animal studies also show these antioxidants can even significantly improve learning capacity and motor skills (7).

A large cohort study, The Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP), published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), shows that eating 2.8 servings of green leafy, yellow, and cruciferous vegetables every day can slow cognitive decline by as much as 40 percent (8).

Spinach is also high in lutein, a carotenoid that is key in fighting eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts (9). Plus, this superfood helps to regulate blood glucose levels in diabetics, lower blood pressure, improve bone health, and lower the risk of developing asthma among other things (10).


While many conventional sources used to claim avocados contain too much fat, the reality is that there is no better or healthier fat than avocados.

While this fruit’s, reputation as a high-fat food is actually true, (1 cup has 22 grams of fat, which accounts for 82 percent of its total calories), studies show eating avocados can lower your risk of heart disease, improve your LDL cholesterol levels, and lower your levels of oxidative stress.

In general, avocados are a nutrient and phytochemical dense food rich in dietary fiber, potassium magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, and K-1, as well as folate, vitamin B 6, niacin, pantothenic acid (B₅), riboflavin (B-2), choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, and phytosterols. Avocado oil is essentially 71 percent monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 13 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and 16 percent saturated fatty acids (SFA) (11).

This ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fat is not necessarily favorable (there is about ¼ gram of omega-3s in 1 serving of avocado and 2.5 grams of omega-6s, making it a 10:1 ration in favor of omega-6s) but studies repeatedly show the high levels of monounsaturated fat, (similar to that found in olives) in particular, oleic acid, are key to its heart-healthy benefits (12).

Avocados also contain high levels of phytosterols, including beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol, which provide important anti-inflammatory benefits, including the avocado’s renowned cardiovascular benefits, as well as a number of anti-cancer properties (13,14, 15, 16, 17). One study shows avocados are even effective against hard-to-treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML)(18).

Other proven health benefits derived from eating avocados include preventing atherosclerosis (19), regulating cholesterol levels (20, 21, 22), preventing and treating high blood pressure (23, 24), preventing and treating osteoarthritis (25, 26), treating psoriasis (27), significantly increasing soluble collagen content in skin (28), treating scleroderma (29), and even improving wound healing (30).


According to the USDA, pecans are actually the most antioxidant-rich of all of the tree nuts and they rate in the top 20 of the best antioxidant foods (31). A key antioxidant in pecans is vitamin E, which studies show promotes neurological and cell protection against such things as coronary heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and of course, cancer. Just a handful of pecans daily may also help lower your bad cholesterol levels and stimulate weight loss with their high oleic acid content (32).


Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, which are key to this fruit’s many health benefits, which also include powerful antiviral and antitumor properties. In fact, pomegranates have three times as many antioxidants as both wine or green tea. Studies show the antioxidant tannins and flavonoids in pomegranates “selectively inhibit the growth of breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer cells in culture.” Studies further show eating pomegranates can inhibit the growth of lung, skin, colon and prostate tumors (33, 34).

This delicious fruit is also an amazing source of vitamins A, C and E (also key antioxidants) as well as folic acid. Other benefits include improving cardiovascular health, maintaining healthy blood circulation and regulating cholesterol levels, treating digestive disorders, dental conditions, osteoarthritis, anemia, and diabetes (35, 36, 37, 38).

Now, imagine a salad containing each of these functional foods! It is one of the most powerful anti-cancer salads you can eat.

Super Anti-Cancer Spinach and Avocado Salad

Serves: 1-2
Prep time: 5 minutes

  • 1 ½ cups organic spinach leaves
  • ½ sliced avocado
  • 1/3 cup organic cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/3 cup organic blackberries
  • 1/3 cup raw pecans
  • 1/3 cup pomegranate seeds


  • 1 Tbsp. avocado oil
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (ACV)
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. Add all salad ingredients to a large bowl.
  2. Mix all the dressing ingredients in a jar with a lid and shake until well combined.
  3. Drizzle the dressing on the salad and then toss until everything is coated,
  4. Serve and enjoy!

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7 Simple Ways You Can Unclog Your Arteries Naturally

7-simple-ways-you-can-unclog-your-arteries-naturallyAtherosclerosis is a word you probably hear a lot more than you care to.

It refers to the hardening of your arteries due to a buildup of plaque, which is essentially a combination of “cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin (a clotting material in the blood).” (1).

When this happens, you are at risk for having a heart attack or stroke.

According to the American Heart Association’s 2016 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update, in 2013, 1 of every 3 deaths in the US was a result of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. Plus, heart disease and stroke were listed as the number one (and two) killers worldwide, according to the report (2).

While your doctor will probably recommend living a healthy lifestyle that includes eating according to the national dietary recommendations and getting exercise, if you show any signs of atherosclerosis you will likely be given a prescription for a statin (cholesterol lowering medication) or a fibrate to lower your triglyceride levels, along with a slew of other medications (3).

Ultimately, while your doctor will tell you these drugs can help control or treat atherosclerosis, many studies also show they are inherently dangerous and can even worsen the situation or lead to other diseases, including cancer (4).

Completely Preventable

The good news is that like most diseases, atherosclerosis is preventable and even reversible in some cases. The best part is that you can take charge of your health starting today.

And to help you get started, here are 7 natural ways you can not only prevent arterial plaque buildup but possibly even reverse clogged arteries.

Reverse Clogged Arteries Naturally

1. Garlic


Garlic is linked to treating or preventing at least 220 different health conditions or symptoms. But when it comes cardiovascular disease, the primary cause of death among people in industrialized countries, garlic is a true superstar (5).

In fact, this pungent food’s healing effects can even reduce the risk of infarction and stroke by more than 50 percent according to a study published in the German publication, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift (6).

2.    Pomegranates


While not everyone is a fan of the pomegranate’s slightly acidic, yet wonderfully sweet taste, this fruit is masterful at removing plaque buildup according to many studies. Rich in polyphenols including tannins and anthocyanins, drinking pomegranate juice is even shown in one study to reduce arterial plaque by as much as 30 percent.

It also lowers blood pressure and increases total antioxidant status (TAS) by 130 percent (7). Another study published in the American Journal of Cardiology shows it can slow the oxidation that causes plaque buildup (8).

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New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat


The reason most diets fail is because they either don’t work or they are simply too difficult to follow. In fact, incredibly, according to UCLA researchers, “one-third to two-thirds of people on diets regain more weight than they lost within four or five years, and the true number may well be significantly higher” (1)!

This syndrome, known as “yo-yo” dieting, causes your weight to go up and down with every diet, which can not only be heart breaking if you are truly trying your best to shed the weight, but it can also be down-right dangerous (2). What’s worse, when you do lose some weight on one of these diets, it is typically both muscle and fat, but when you regain the weight, it is just plain old fat. This poses a real problem because muscle essentially burns seven times as many calories as fat.

And usually, after rebounding, your metabolism is slower than before you started to diet, so it takes even fewer calories to maintain your new weight. This means that if you revert back to your original eating habits, you will automatically put on more weight than you took off!

The good news is that you can change this.

One study shows that yo-yo dieting doesn’t have to control your weight—you can fix your metabolism and eventually lose the weight, but it takes commitment and it can be hard.The bad  news is that this same study clearly shows that overweight people, who continually diet, are much heavier than overweight people who do not (3). So, if you don’t find a better solution to lose the weight—one that targets underlying issues—you are destined to repeatedly pack on the pounds.

FREE Download: New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat

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Luckily, we have an effective weight loss program that goes to the core of most weight issues. It not only helps you melt away the fat, but it will detoxify your body and reduce inflammation, a key issue in obesity.

The Power of Lemons

The first thing you should know about lemons is that they are actually very alkalizing in your body, despite their acidic taste. This is important because virtually every overweight person has an acidic body (4). The two go hand-in-hand.

To maintain each system’s ideal pH level, your body naturally removes (flushes out) as many acids and toxins as it can. It does this through things like urination, defecation, and sweating. But when your body becomes overrun with more toxins and acids than it can remove, it automatically produces fat cells to store this excessive waste.

While fat cells actually perform an important function in this regard, excess fat is also dangerous, especially when you continue to add in more toxins and acids from processed foods, medications, and even environmental and food chemicals. It’s an ongoing and dangerous battle and why most diets simply can’t work.

Apart from lemon’s powerful alkalizing properties , this amazing fruit has a number of other significant health benefits:

The post New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat appeared first on Daily Health Post.

22 Home Remedies To Get Instant Relief From Knee Pain & 16 More Tips To Ease The Pain

22-home-remedies-to-get-instant-relief-from-knee-painYour knees are the most annoying and unpleasant areas to be affected by joint pain.

Because you use your knees every day, they’re also more prone to wear-and-tear.

And this type of pain isn’t just for the ill and elderly: it can be experienced at any age and can be so severe that simple tasks like walking become a challenge.

Knee pain can be caused by (1,2):

  • Injuries including ligament tears, fractures, and  dislocation of the knee joint or knee cap
  • Aging
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
  • Weak muscles

Knee pain can be either dull or sharp and typically manifests itself alongside inflammation, swelling, stiffness, reduced mobility, and difficulty walking.

22 Knee Pain Relief Home Remedies

Here are a few simple remedies that will have you up and moving in no time!

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has well-documented anti-inflammatory benefits that can be utilized to treat knee pain. Use it internally and externally for best results.

To make your own knee salve, boil half a cup of coconut oil over medium heat for 3 minutes. Let it cool and massage it into the knee using your fingers. Leave it on all day and repeat before bed

2. Cayenne Pepper with Olive Oil

Capsaicin is an active compound in cayenne peppers that has a warming effect. It’s typically used to soothe muscle and joint pain and also reduces swelling.


  • 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper
  • 1 ½ cups of olive oil


  1. Mix the ingredients to prepare a paste and apply it on the affected area. Use twice daily for a week or more to treat pain.

3. Cayenne Pepper with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory benefits that make it a perfect side-kick to cayenne.


  • 1 1/2 tablespoon of cayenne pepper
  • A cup of apple cider vinegar


  1. Combine the ingredients and pour the mixture into a hot bath.
  2. Soak your knee for 20 minutes daily to stop pain in its tracks.

4. Lemon

Lemons contain citric acid, which has the ability to dissolve uric acid crystals that form in your joints. These crystals cause gout and other joint problems.


  • 1 lemon
  • Half a cup of sesame oil
  • 1 cheese cloth


  1. Slice the lemon and place the slices in a cheese cloth.
  2. Tie it off, and dip the cloth-covered slices in sesame oil for a few minutes.
  3. Place the poultice on your knee for ten minutes or so.
  4. Repeat twice a day and drink lemon water first thing in the morning

5. Apple Cider Vinegar with Cold Water

Apple cider vinegar detoxifies and alkalizes your joints to keep them lubricated and ready to go.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of water


  1. Combine all the ingredients and drink on an empty stomach once a day.

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Mix One Ingredient With Orange Juice To Flush Toxic Buildup From The Lungs

mix-one-ingredient-with-orange-juice-to-flush-toxic-buildup-from-the-lungsMention tartar and some people might think you are talking about the ugly plaque dentists are always warning you about. But what is cream of tartar actually? It is a cooking ingredient found in most American kitchens and has many beneficial properties. And what does cream of tartar do? A lot more than you would imagine! Below are some interesting healthy benefits of cream of tartar.

Cream of tartar is an acidic natural by-product of winemaking. Also called potassium hydrogen tartrate, this white powder is most commonly used to stabilize egg whites when making meringue, to stiffen the peaks of whipped cream, to prevent the formation of sugar crystals, and to even reduce the discoloration of cooked vegetables (1). You can also find cream of tartar as a component of baking powder and in many sodium-free salt substitutes.

The biggest surprise regarding this common kitchen ingredient, however, is that it also has a slew of health benefits. Here are a few of the amazing health benefits of cream of tartar.

7 Extraordinary Cream of Tartar Benefits

1. Helps You Quit Smoking!

Anyone who has ever smoked knows how hard it is to quit the habit, which researchers say is actually as hard to kick as heroin (2)! The progression of a nicotine addiction is also similar to that for cocaine or amphetamines, and for many people, it can even be more addictive than alcohol, according to a New York Times article (3).

Nicotine can take between 48 and 72 hours to leave your system after you quit smoking. And the withdrawal symptoms from this drug usually reach a peak 2 to 3 days after you quit (4).

They include (5):

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Impatience
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Constipation
  • Cough
  • Dizziness
  • Mouth ulcers

While these symptoms, which are shockingly similar to withdrawal from cocaine and heroin (6), should completely stop within 1 to 3 months (7). Even after you quit, studies show it generally takes another three months for your brain chemistry to return to pre-smoking status.

This is where cream of tartar comes in. This amazing substance can actually help pull nicotine from your body. Some sources claim it can even change your taste for cigarettes, another plus to help you quit.

When you add a ½ teaspoon of cream of tartar to a half glass of orange juice, the result is amazing, according to sources. Drink this every night for 30 days and you will quit smoking for good.

So, how does cream of tartar work?

Well, according to researchers, smoking can lead to vitamin C deficiency (8). Just a half cup of orange juice provides you with over 100 percent of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C (9). And 100 grams of cream of tartar has an astonishing 471 percent of your RDI of potassium (10).

Together, the vitamin C in orange juice and the potassium in the cream of tartar, work to expel toxins and strengthen your immune system. And because it also helps to pull the nicotine from your body, the cravings will dissipate faster so you can finally kick the habit!

The post Mix One Ingredient With Orange Juice To Flush Toxic Buildup From The Lungs appeared first on Daily Health Post.

16 Breakfast Recipes That Can Help You Lose Weight

16-breakfast-recipes-that-can-help-you-lose-weight“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.”This age-old adage shows how important breakfast is.

After all, it’s what fuels your body and prepares you for the rest of the day.

One Yale study even suggests that eating two breakfasts is better for you than eating none at all (1).

While 93 percent of the population actually agrees that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, not everyone eats breakfast. In reality, only 44 percent of the population partakes in the morning meal (2).

And sadly, statistics show that while 80 percent of school-age children eat breakfast, 73 percent of those meals come from sugary cereals!

Why Is Breakfast So Important?

When you sleep, you essentially fast. So, eating breakfast breaks the overnight fasting and replenishes your body’s glucose supply, and provides other essential nutrients that help to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

Your body needs glucose, which is broken down and absorbed from carbohydrates. Your muscle tissue and liver stores glycogen, which is released slowly during the night to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Between your last meal of the day and your next breakfast, your body may go as long as 12 hours without food, so your glycogen stores will be low first thing in the morning.

If all of the energy from these glycogen stores is used up, your body resorts to breaking down fatty acids to produce the energy it requires. These fats are a good short-term source of energy, but they aren’t as easy to use. By eating breakfast, you quickly restore glycogen levels and thus boost your energy levels and more importantly, your metabolism.

6 Things That Happen When You Skip Breakfast (3)

  • Children who skip breakfast are significantly heavier than those who eat breakfast.
  • Skipping breakfast can diminish your mental performance. Eating breakfast helps you stay alert and thus better able to pay attention and better able to stay interested and learn.
  • Eating a high-fibre breakfast reduces fatigue.
  • Children who eat an inadequate breakfast are more likely to make poor food choices for the rest of the day and in the long term, which leads to obesity.
  • People who eat breakfast have more nutritious diets than people who skip breakfast. They also have better eating habits as they are less likely to be hungry for snacks during the day.
  • Going without breakfast becomes more common as you get older.

Overall, skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain and poor mental and physical performance. So, do your body a favor and make sure to include a well-balanced breakfast that is full of fiber, protein and beneficial nutrients that will help boost your metabolism and ultimately, lose weight.

16 Fat Burning Breakfast Recipes

These recipes will change your breakfast routine forever.

1. Roasted Veggies Skillet

While roasted veggies are a great idea any time of the day, when eaten first thing in the morning, they give your body that extra boost of vitamins and nutrients it needs to face the day.

Plus, the protein from the egg will not only give your body more energy, but studies show it will keep you feeling full longer, a bonus for people who are trying to curb food cravings (4). Put them together and you have a sure-fire, fat-burning breakfast to keep you going all day long. Find the recipe here.

2. Cantaloupe And Greek Yogurt Boat

Just scoop out a ripe melon and drop a dollop of plain Greek yogurt on a slice with a few fresh summer berries. Top it off with some crunchy seeds, walnuts or pecans (or any other seed or nut of your choosing), and you have a solid meal full of protein, vitamins, nutrients and powerful antioxidants.

In fact, cantaloupe has a massive 189 times more beta-carotene, an antioxidant your body uses to make vitamin A, than other melons (5).

Just one cup of cantaloupe is only 54 calories, so this bountiful fruit is perfect for losing weight. And when you add the protein in the yogurt, it helps your body burn extra calories throughout the day and keeps you full, longer. Altogether, you have a perfect fat-burning breakfast! Get the full recipe here.

The post 16 Breakfast Recipes That Can Help You Lose Weight appeared first on Daily Health Post.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

27 Must-Try Avocado Recipes for You and Your Family

Avocados are a health nut’s favorite fruit, and rightly so. Packed with nutrients, delicious fats, filling fiber, and creamy goodness, the fruit is a staple of vegan, paleo, and healthy recipes. Avocado recipes highlight the versatility of this tropical fruit: from dressings to smoothies or even desserts, avocados are a great addition to your favorite meals. They’re incredibly easy to use, too!

Avocado Benefits

For starters, avocados are packed with vitamin C, E, K, and B6 as well as folate, pantothenic acid, and potassium (1).  They also contain a substantial amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids as well as plenty of gut-healthy fiber.

Here are a few other avocado benefits you’ve probably never heard of (2):

Lowers Cholesterol: Avocado contains sterol called beta-sitosterol that helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Maintains Eyesight: The fruits contains lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that support proper eye function and eye protection.

Supports Healthy Bones: An avocado contains 50% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin K, a key player in calcium absorption.

 Prevents Cancer: Proper folate protects your body against colon, stomach, pancreatic and cervical cancers. It does so by preventing unhealthy DNA and RNA mutations.

Promotes a Healthy Pregnancy: Folate is essential for fetal development. Too little is know to cause miscarriage as well as birth defects.

Fights Depression: Folate prevents the build-up of homocysteine, a substance that causes poor blood circulation in the brain. Homocysteine also interferes the hormones that regulate mood, sleep, and appetite.

Improves Digestion: Thanks to its high fiber content, avocado regulates bowel function and prevents colon cancer.

Detoxifies your Body: Fiber absorbs the toxins your liver excretes through bile and pushes it out.

Prevents Disease: fiber plays a key role in lowering your risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases.

Boosts Weight Loss: Fiber fills you up to help prevent overeating while its fat content leaves you feeling satisfied.

Don’t Forget The Seed

When you eat your avocado, what do you do with the seed? Do you plant it or do you throw it away?

Well, you can actually eat the seed, although there is a way to properly do so, and good reason too!

Avocado seed extract is safe to eat and it improves blood flow by relaxing your blood vessels (3,4). The seed also has analgesic, and antiulcer, anti-inflammatory effects that help promote wound healing.

Here’s how to do it:

Remove the seed from the fruit and place in a plastic zip-lock bag. Place it on a heavy-duty cutting board and hit it with a hammer to break it up into a crumble.

Alternatively, cut it into quarters using a knife and pop it in a high-power blender. Blend into a powder and store in a refrigerated jar for 5-7 days. The powder will be bitter, so add it to strong-tasting foods like smoothies. Feel free to incorporate a teaspoon or two to your favorite avocado recipes too!

You can also make a paste using ground-up seed and water for a healing face mask.

27 Must-Try Avocado Recipes for You and Your Family

Explore more ways to eat avocado by scrolling through these healthy avocado recipes and avocado snacks. There’s something for everyone!

1. Green Breakfast Smoothie

This great little avocado smoothie recipe supplies your daily greens to start your morning on the right foot.


  • 1 lemon, quartered
  • 1 whole avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 cups spinach
  • ½ bunch parsley
  • ½ bunch cilantro
  • 1 organic cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon organic extra-virgin olive oil
  • a spoonful of avocado seed powder
  • pinch of sea salt
  • a few thin slices of ginger
  • water, as needed
  • a handful of berries


  1. Clean and prepare everything.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender.
  3. Blend together until smooth, adding water, as needed for desired consistency.

2. Avocado Toast with Pesto and Tomatoes

This avocado toast recipe is a satisfying and quick to make. For more protein, add a fried egg into the mix and you’ll be satisfied until lunch!


  • 1 piece thick cut sprouted bread
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Freshly squeeze lemon juice
  • Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup halved cherry tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • A spoonful of pesto
  • Fresh basil, chopped


  1. Toast the piece of bread until the bread is just golden brown.
  2. Prepare the avocado and mash with lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Toss together the tomatoes, olive oil, and basil and in a small bowl.
  4. Spread the pesto on your toast, followed by avocado.
  5. Top with tomatoes and serve.

3. Green Goddess Smoothie Bowl

This smoothie bowl is packed with protein and fiber that will make you excited for breakfast.


  • 2 bananas, sliced
  • 1 ripe avocado, stoned, peeled and chopped into chunks
  • 1 small ripe mango, stoned, peeled and chopped into chunks
  • 100g spinach (fresh or frozen)
  • 250ml coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened almond  butter
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
  • For the seed mix
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp linseeds
  • a spoonful of avocado seed powder
  • 4 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 4 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 4 tbsp coconut flakes
  • 4 tbsp flaked almonds
  • 2 tbsp clear honey or maple syrup


  1. Slice the bananas and arrange on a small baking tray lined with parchment. Freeze for 2 hrs minimum.
  2. For the seed mix, heat oven to 180C and line a baking tray with parchment. Place the seeds, coconut and almonds into a bowl, add the cinnamon and drizzle over the honey or maple syrup. Stir until well coated and place evenly on the baking tray.
  3. Bake for 10-15 mins, stirring every 5 mins or so.
  4. Cool and store in an airtight container for up to 1 month.
  5. Put the avocado, mango, spinach, milk, nut butter, banana, and honey in a blender and pulse until smooth.
  6. Divide between two bowls and arrange the fruit on top.
  7. Scatter 1-2 tbsp of the seed mix over each bowl and eat straight away.

The post 27 Must-Try Avocado Recipes for You and Your Family appeared first on Daily Health Post.